Welcome to the homepage of Iku Nakamura


Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) Study of Geometric Moduli Theories and Theoretical Applications (Leader I. Nakamura) (2011 April-2016 March)

Iku NAKAMURA: The semi-abelian action on a degenerate abelian scheme,  2014 May, Preprint(PDF FILE) under revision


Iku NAKAMURA: Global McKay correspondence,  2015.6.8, Lakeside Lecture, Academia Sinica/Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan


Iku NAKAMURA: Hesse cubics and GIT stability,  2014.5.22, McGill university, Montreal, Canada


Iku NAKAMURA: Hesse cubics and GIT stability,  2014.2.17, Lakeside Lecture, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan


Iku NAKAMURA: Compactification by GIT stability of the moduli space of abelian varieties,  2013.6.11-13, Kyoto university, to appear in to appear in ASPM vol. 69, No. 5


Akira ISHII and Iku NAKAMURA: Global McKay correspondence for quotient surface singularities (The first draft) 


Iku NAKAMURA: Compactification by GIT stability of the moduli space of abelian varieties,  arXiv 1406.0174


Hiroaki TERAO : Lecture PDF: On ideal subarrangements of Weyl arrangements, 2013.11.22, Istanbul


Lin WENG : Motivic Euler Product and Its Aplications, 2014.1.30, University of Tokyo


Conference related to Grant-in-Aid for SR (S) Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry 2014, January 27-30, 2014, University of Tokyo

Conference related to Grant-in-Aid for SR (S) Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry 2014, January 27-30, 2014, University of Tokyo

Conference related to Grant-in-Aid for SR (S) Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry 2013, January 28-31, 2013, University of Tokyo

Conference related to Grant-in-Aid for SR (S) Symposium on Arithmetic Geometry, 2012-10-19 10:00〜2012-10-21 17:00, Kyushuu university

Conference related to Grant-in-Aid for SR (S) Automorphic Functions and Arithmetic Geometry: A symposium for Prof. L. Lafforgue's visit 013-04-26-28 17:00, Kyushuu university

Grant-in-Aid for SR (S) Hokudai Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry

International Workshop/Conference

Recent Developments in Nonkaehler Geometry, 2008-03-05 (Wednes.) - 2008-03-06 (Thurs.) (Extra seminars 2008-03-07 (Fri.))

Abstract of Nonkaehler

Program of Nonkaehler

I. Nakamura : Survey on VII0 surfaces, Recent Developments in NonKaehler Geometry, Sapporo, 2008 March (PDF FILE)

Algebraic and arithmetic structures of moduli spaces, September 3- September 7, 2007

Poster:Algebraic and arithmetic structures of moduli spaces, September 3- September 7, 2007



Lecture of Professor Chai

Lecture of Professor Takhtajan

Proceedings of the above conference:

All the speakers are invited to submit an article to the proceedings of the conference. Please download the following 4 files for submitting an article to it.






Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry


Survey on VII0 surfaces, Recent Developments in NonKaehler Geometry, Sapporo, 2008 March (PDF FILE)

Compactification of the moduli space of abelian varieties, Kyoto, 2013 June 11-13 (PDF FILE)

Iku NAKAMURA: Hesse cubics and GIT stability,  2014.2.17, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan


Compactification of the moduli of abelian varieties, Lecture at Sapporo, 2012 November; Lecture at McGill 2012 June (PDF FILE)

The moduli of abelian varieties and its compactification, 55th Algebra Symposium, Okayama, 2011 August 10 (PDF FILE)

Compactification of the moduli of abelian varieties, Lecture at Kias, 2005 November; Lecture at Hamana Lake 2007 February (PDF FILE)

McKay correspondence, University of Tokyo, 2011 January 20 (PDF FILE)

McKay correspondence, To the memory of Slodowy ,Invited lecture at the spring meeting of Japan Mathematical Society, at Nippon University, 2005 March 29 (PDF FILE)

Geometry of moduli, Plenary address at the autumn meeting of Japan Mathematical Society, at Hokkaido university, 2004 September 20th (In Japanese) (PDF FILE)

Japanese Articles

From Physics to Geometry --- Moduli and Path integral Mathematical Science, August 2005 (PDF FILE)

Pi is almost equal to 3.14, Sugaku Seminar, November 2003, in Japanese (PDF FILE)

My soroban computer, Sugaku Seminar, June 2003, in Japanese (PDF FILE)

Explain difficult issues in a manner easy to understand, and easy issues deeply, Sugaku Seminar, April 2003, in Japanese (PDF FILE)

Moduli spaces, Sugaku Seminar, in Special issue "Nine key words which predict the next decade", May 2002, in Japanese (PDF FILE)

McKay correspondence and Hilbert schemes, HAVE FUN WITH MATHEMATICS, 28, December 2001, in Japanese (PDF FILE)

Correction to "McKay correspondence and Hilbert schemes, HAVE FUN WITH MATHEMATICS, 28, December 2001", in Japanese (PDF FILE)

McKay correspondence and Hilbert schemes, Proc. of Kinosaki symposium 2001, pp.1-17 in Japanese (PDF FILE)

Newton's coat armor, HAVE FUN WITH MATHEMATICS, no.27, October 2001, in Japanese (PDF FILE)

Newton's bridge, HAVE FUN WITH MATHEMATICS, no.26, August 2001, in Japanese (PDF FILE)

Moduli and Deformation Theory, HAVE FUN WITH MATHEMATICS, no.20, August 2000, in Japanese (PDF FILE)

Professor Kodaira in the tea room, HAVE FUN WITH MATHEMATICS, no.20, August 2000, in Japanese (PDF FILE)

Kodaira's Theory of Deformation and its Recent Progress, Sugaku Seminar, December 1997, in Japanese (PDF FILE)

Planar cubic curves -- From Hesse to Mumford, Sugaku July 2001 issue, Iwanami, 17-34 (in Japanese).

English Papers

Iku NAKAMURA: The semi-abelian action on a degenerate abelian scheme, March 2014, Preprint (PDF FILE)

Iku NAKAMURA: Compactification by GIT stability of the moduli space of abelian varieties,  2013.6.11-13, Kyoto university


Another canonical compactification of the moduli space of abelian varieties, Iku Nakamura, Algebraic and Arithmetic Structures of Moduli Spaces (Sapporo, 2007), Advanced Studies of Pure Mathematics 58, (2010) 69-135. (PDF FILE)

McKay correspondence, Iku Nakamura, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, Volume 47, 2009, 267-298 (PDF FILE)

The cohomology groups of stable quasi-abelian schemes and Degenerations associated with the E8-lattice, Iku Nakamura and Ken Sugawara, Moduli Spaces and Arithmetic Geometry (Kyoto, 2004), Advanced Studies of Pure Mathematics 45 (2006) 223-281. (PDF FILE)

Coinvariant algebras of finite subgroups of SL(3,C), Yasushi Gomi, Iku Nakamura, Ken-ichi Shinoda, Canadian Jour. Mathematics, vol 56 (4) (2004) 495-528 (PDF FILE)

Planar cubic curves -- From Hesse to Mumford, Iku Nakamura, July 2002 (in English)(PDF FILE)

Hilbert schemes of abelian group orbits, lku Nakamura, J. Alg. Geom. Vol.10 (2001), 757-779 (PDF FILE)

Hilbert schemes of G-orbits in dimension three, Yasushi Gomi, Iku Nakamura, Ken-ichi Shinoda, Asian J. Math. (Kodaira issue) Vol. 4 (2000) 51-70 (PDF FILE)

Stability of degenerate abelian varieties, Iku Nakamura, Invent. Math. Vol. 136 (1999) 659-715 Downloadable from http://www.springerlink.com/content/0ldehv9yryfew421/

Hilbert schemes and simple singularities, Yukari Ito and lku Nakamura, A new trend in algebraic geometry, Cambridge university press (1999), 151-233 (PDF FILE)