Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations


Purpose of the Symposium

Over the years we have seen the rapid development in the field of partial differential equations (PDE) which continues to expand further in scope and depth. While much have been achieved through new insights and refined techniques, it is almost impossible these days to understand the essence of idea which lies outside of their specialties even within the field of PDE. As it is generally true that a method developed for one problem can be applied to a very different set of problems, it is important that the general idea may be shared among wider audience in the field.

Our aim is to boost interaction among different branches of partial differential equations so that researchers may gain access to new developments in other fields. For this purpose we arrange about six survey lectures which are followed by long discussion session each time. Though the choice of topics is made according to the preference of the faculty members of Hokkaido University, we carefully choose the speakers so that it remains inclusive in its scope and so that the symposium is not merely a workshop of one particular research group.