

プログラム (Programme)

9:30-10:20 相川弘明 (Hiroaki AIKAWA, Hokkaido University)
Potential analysis on nonsmooth domains
- John domains and the doubling property of the harmonic measure -
10:30-11:20 Xiaofeng REN (Utah State University, USA)
Lecture 1. Some mathematical aspects of the Ohta-Kawasaki density functional theory of block copolymers
» アブストラクト
13:00-13:50 Horst HECK (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Reconstruction of obstacles immersed in a viscous incompressible fluid
14:00-14:50 石渡通徳 (Michinori ISHIWATA, Tohoku University)
Infinite-time blow up of radial positive solutions of some semilinear parabolic problems involving critical Sobolev exponent
15:15-16:15 Short Communications, I
 佐藤翔大 (Shota SATO, Tohoku University, D1)
Life span of solutions for a superlinear heat equation
 鈴木友之 (Tomoyuki SUZUKI, Tohoku University, D3)
On the boundedness of suitable weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in unbounded domain
 長瀬優子(Yuko NAGASE, Hokkaido University, D3)
The minimization problem of the Allen-Cahn action functional
16:30-17:45 Poster Session
 江渝(Yu JIANG, Hokkaido University, D1)
Mathematical study of identifying viscoelasticity coefficients by MRE
 河野真士(Shinji KAWANO, Hokkaido University, M2)
Uniqueness of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations
 南舘孝栄(Kohei MINAMIDATE, Tohoku University, M2)
Some variational inequality in Lp and its application to the Korn inequality
 水野将司(Masashi MIZUNO, Tohoku University, M2)
Harnack estimates for some semilinear parabolic equation related to the mean curvature flow
 中島光一 (Kouichi NAKAJIMA, Waseda University, M2)
On a class of stable solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations on R2
 小野寺栄治(Eiji ONODERA, Tohoku University, D2)
Closed curves governed by a third-order dispersive flow into Kaehler manifolds
 小野寺有紹 (Michiaki ONODERA, Tohoku University, M2)
Remarks on the asymptotic behavior of the free boundary of a Hele-Shaw flow
 佐藤規文(Norifumi SATO, Hokkaido University, D1)
On the convergence of Allen-Cahn equation
 竹田寛志(Hiroshi TAKEDA, Tohoku University, M2)
Non-existence of weak solutions to a nonlinear damped wave equation in exterior domains
 和智拓也(Takuya WACHI, Tohoku University, M2)
Local well-posedness on the Keller-Segel system in the scaling invariant class
 山本征法(Masakazu YAMAMOTO, Tohoku University, M2)
Asymptotic behavior of solutions to a generalized drift-diffusion system arising from a semi-conductor model
18:00- Reception
9:30-10:20 笠井博則 (Hironori KASAI, Fukushima University)
On vortex solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau equations
10:30-11:20 Xiaofeng REN (Utah State University, USA)
Lecture 2. On a phase field model driven by interface area and interface curvature
» アブストラクト
13:00-13:50 利根川吉廣 (Yoshihiro TONEGAWA, Hokkaido University)
On geometric variational problem motivated by large deviation theory
14:00-15:00 Short Communications, II
 鈴木香奈子 (Kanako SUZUKI, Tohoku University, PD)
Behavior of solutions to a kinetic activator-inhibitor system with a large basic production term
 和田出秀光 (Hidemitsu WADADE, Tohoku University, D3)
On the best constant of the Trudinger-Moser and the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities in various function spaces
 前川泰則(Yasunori MAEKAWA, Hokkaido University, D2)
On the Burgers vortices for the high Reynolds number
15:20-16:20 Short Communications, III
 川上竜樹(Tatsuki KAWAKAMI, Tohoku University, D1)
Asymptotic behavior of solutions for some semilinear heat equations
 渡部拓也(Takuya WATANABE, Tohoku University, D3)
Adiabatic transition probabilities for a small spectral gap and Stokes geometries
 永安聖(Sei NAGAYASU, Hokkaido University, PD)
A note on an iteration procedure for solving Cauchy problems
16:25-16:30 Closing